The Best Boardgames of 2017

2017 was a great year for boardgames

2017 was a great year for boardgames in general, here are the best of the best in three categories!

2017 year’s best family game: Patchwork

A patchwork is, as you probably know; a creation that sews together several pieces and pieces of fabric to create an exciting design on (for example), a rug. So this is also where two players using buttons and pieces by strategy and tactical thinking will try to sew together the very best, most score-giving blanket. Here you don’t play your traditional turned-based game; so it will be a real fight to see who can get the best pieces and buttons.

boardgames2017 year’s best  children game: Little Red Riding Hood

An exciting puzzle game with a story theme for the youngest ones in the family; although older people, parents and others can also be involved and get enough excitement finding the solution. Nicely packed with an appealing game plan, with the grandmother’s house, the Red Rinding Hood and of course the Wolf.

Three plastic trees can be  placed in different ways so that different paths can be created, helping Little Red in finding the right way to her grandmother’s house. Here you have to think logically and creatively. There is a total of 48 different ways to place houses, pines and figurines to provide different correct paths – from simple to expert courses. And then you have the small book that tells the whole story without words; so even the youngest can “read” and understand what it’s all about.

2017 year’s best adult game: Smart 10

Another different game; where it is the box itself (with the different kinds of questions); that give the game some new dimensions. Here you find the question-card in a “smart box” where you can see the question and a number of answers; but not all of them are correct. So it’s up to you as a player to lift one of ten plastic plugs to find one of the correct answers. It can be about guessing a number, finding a correct ranking, guessing the correct color or for that matter -the right century. A smart box with a similarly smart scoring system – sometimes it may be smartest to not answer at all. Another winning feature is that the box is easy to pick up for the party or the trip. Advantages to play in teams, allowing for wild and interesting discussions between team members.

Board Games from Sweden

Board Games often symbolizes a form of peace and socialization, where both young and old can sit down together and have fun.

To sit inside the cozy warmth, while you might see the rain or the snow falling outside the window is something that I think is very cozy, and especially this during the winter. Then me and my family put up the old board games that collected dust for so many years in our basement or attic.board-games

What many people around Sweden and for that matter; around the world does not know is that Umeå is a very unique city in Sweden, when it comes to Board Games. This because there are few cities in the world that have such an incredible selection of Board Games in relation to its size.


There is a large community with people who play board games throughout the year, and sometimes you can almost think that these enthusiasts are doing something similar to a sport on a elite level. The level of the game stores in Umeå are superior to those in the rest of Sweden, and they have stores like: World of Board Games, Fantasia and Collector’s Point – where there’s meters and meters of high quality games.

Even booksellers in Umeå selling games of such quality that in many large cities must be ordered and paid for shipping. All the games niche merchants have a fantastic knowledge to help lost game beginners to find the perfect game for their family or circle of friends, based on what they like best about their old worn-out risk.

And let me tell you! There is so much amazing fun to discover in the board game-world for those who only just beginning to sniff on the world beyond the Cluedo and Monopoly-games.

To make it easier to understand what lies beneath the surface of this amazing sea of board games, I will soon compile a short  but sweet guide for those interested. With this guide I will compile a glossary of useful words when talking board games.

Suggestions of other fun board games

Renju if by far our favourite board game. We can play it for hours and sometimes even days. But it can happen that friends and family get tired of our constant talk about Renju. So what else can we do to still play a game that involves strategic thinking and use of the mind. One very fun game is the game for Acabo Games that is called Guesstimaster. Here you will estimate for example how many teacher there are in Japan. By using your knowledge of how many people that live there and how many that are in school and by doing so you can use your skills to give a good guesstimate. There are many different ways you can play the game and it is appropriate for people above 16+ which means you have to have some kind of pre-knowledge before it is fun to play the game. The creators of the game have released a second version of the game and also created a few more intellectual games that it fun for us strategic thinkers to play. You can read about the games at for example Other fun games that I like to play but is more of fantasy board games are Smallworld, Dominion, Settler of Catan and Agricola. I think it is very useful for people in all ages to play such games to improve upon your logical thinking.

popular board games renju

If you want to try games that are more action games there are several games that you can play both online and offline. One game that I personally like but is not very popular among my friends is the game FreedomResist. Sometimes it can also be fun to play more advanced game on for example a playstation. A few of the best Playstation games that will be released in 2017 can be found on the blog from Magicka. It is fun to play all types of games. When you are not playing Renju, which games do you prefer playing? I like to hear your opinions and thoughts about the best board games and computer/playstation games. Feel free to send an email. Have a wonderful weekend and may the best man or women win!

Classic Board Game in New Version – Trivial Pursuit!

Hello everyone! Nice that you’ve found our site and it’s a pleasure writing this blog about Renju and other great board games that we come across in our ordinary life. As of today, we’ve mostly been discussing Renju, something quite natural since our site name is Today though, we gonna take a big leap and write about another of our favorite board games, Trivial Pursuit. We just found out that there is a new edition to this classic board game coming, right before Christmas, how smart is that huh? This academic board game comes with a whole brand new pack of questions about the classical categories; history, sports, geography and so on. We are, as you might notice, very excited about this!

Trivial Pursuit in new edition for Christmas

finland trivial pursuit renju board gamesSo, right before Christmas this new edition of Finnish Trivial Pursuit will be released and we can only guess that you will se some good numbers. If though online gaming is getting more and more of the players, sometimes it’s really nice to sit around a table and play a board game with you family and friends, especially around Christmas time!

The ned edition has some changes compared to their precursors, and you will now be able to speed up the game a bit with the help of a timer. The timer gives your opponent a certain amount of time to answer the question, something quite good if you ask us. We all have the father, sister, uncle or someone else that always sitting, thinking, for what feels like hours. On every question, right!? So, the timer is a great plus with this new edition of Trivial Pursuit, and along with 3000 brand new questions you and your family will for sure have a great couple of hours playing this magnificent game this Christmas!

That’s all for this time, check out the new Trivial Pursuit game in a store near you!