Classic Board Game in New Version – Trivial Pursuit!

Hello everyone! Nice that you’ve found our site and it’s a pleasure writing this blog about Renju and other great board games that we come across in our ordinary life. As of today, we’ve mostly been discussing Renju, something quite natural since our site name is Today though, we gonna take a big leap and write about another of our favorite board games, Trivial Pursuit. We just found out that there is a new edition to this classic board game coming, right before Christmas, how smart is that huh? This academic board game comes with a whole brand new pack of questions about the classical categories; history, sports, geography and so on. We are, as you might notice, very excited about this!

Trivial Pursuit in new edition for Christmas

finland trivial pursuit renju board gamesSo, right before Christmas this new edition of Finnish Trivial Pursuit will be released and we can only guess that you will se some good numbers. If though online gaming is getting more and more of the players, sometimes it’s really nice to sit around a table and play a board game with you family and friends, especially around Christmas time!

The ned edition has some changes compared to their precursors, and you will now be able to speed up the game a bit with the help of a timer. The timer gives your opponent a certain amount of time to answer the question, something quite good if you ask us. We all have the father, sister, uncle or someone else that always sitting, thinking, for what feels like hours. On every question, right!? So, the timer is a great plus with this new edition of Trivial Pursuit, and along with 3000 brand new questions you and your family will for sure have a great couple of hours playing this magnificent game this Christmas!

That’s all for this time, check out the new Trivial Pursuit game in a store near you!